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Sunday Worship Service - February 5, 2023

All are welcome to our in-person Sunday worship service at 10 am in our sanctuaryHere is the link to the online version.

2023 02 05 Salt etc

Our special mission for the month of February is our local food pantry, Twelve Baskets. This is the food pantry based at All Saints Episcopal Church in Millington and is a joint venture of our church, First Presbyterian of Stirling, All Saints and Long Hill CERT. The food pantry is open on the first and third Saturday mornings of the month. We can always use financial support and at the moment, especially needed are hygiene supplies like soap, shampoo, razors, and diapers. On an average Saturday, more than 40 local food insecure families in the Long Hill area are served. If you would like to participate in this special mission, checks can be sent to Meyersville Church marked “mission” or “12 Baskets.” Hygiene supplies and shelf stable food can be dropped off just inside the side door of the All Saints church. Note: we are already fully supplied with pasta!

Yours in Christ,

Barbara Aspinall

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