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Easter Sunday Worship Service - April 4, 2021

Below is the link to our Easter Sunday Worship.  He is Risen, He is Risen indeed!

Easter morning

Our April special mission is One Great Hour of Sharing– a world-wide ministry that supports primarily three programs:  Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger program and Self-Development of People. These programs all work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, their work fits together to provide people with safety, sustenance, and hopeIf you would like to participate, please send a check to the church marked OGHS.

Our Easter morning worship service schedule will include, in addition to the online service, two outdoor in-person services. The first will be at Hillview Farms at 7 am when we welcome the new day in celebration of Jesus' resurrection. The address of the farm is 223 Meyersville Road, Gillette. Park where you see other cars and then walk up the driveway past the house and barns and up the hill into the orchard. We will wear masks.

Then at 10 am, since our weather promises to be sunny and warm(ish) on Sunday, we will be gathering for an in-person, outdoor Easter Sunday service at 10 am on the lawn at First Presbyterian in Stirling. We will observe the social distancing and mask protocols. There will be a few folding chairs available or you are invited to bring your own chair.

For the children there is a link to: Jesus is Risen

Easter Jesus is Risen kids

Yours in Christ,
Barbara Aspinall

Good Friday Tenebrae service - April 2, 2021

Below is the link to our Good Friday Tenebrae worship service.  We will hear again the story of Jesus’ trial and crucifixion as the Gospel of John tells it

Good Friday

Our April special mission is One Great Hour of Sharing– a world-wide ministry that supports primarily three programs:  Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger program and Self-Development of People. These programs all work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, their work fits together to provide people with safety, sustenance, and hopeIf you would like to participate, please send a check to the church marked OGHS.

Our Easter morning worship service schedule will include, in addition to the online service, two outdoor in-person services. The first will be at Hillview Farms at 7 am when we welcome the new day in celebration of Jesus' resurrection. The address of the farm is 223 Meyersville Road, Gillette. Park where you see other cars and then walk up the driveway past the house and barns and up the hill into the orchard. We will wear masks.

Then at 10 am, since our weather promises to be sunny and warm(ish) on Sunday, we will be gathering for an in-person, outdoor Easter Sunday service at 10 am on the lawn at First Presbyterian in Stirling. We will observe the social distancing and mask protocols. There will be a few folding chairs available or you are invited to bring your own chair.

Yours in Christ,
Barbara Aspinall

bookMaundy Thursday Worship service - April 1, 2021

Below is the link to our Maundy Thursday worship service. Many thanks to all the folks who participated in this special service 

2021 04 01Maundy Thursday

Our April special mission is One Great Hour of Sharing– a world-wide ministry that supports primarily three programs:  Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger program and Self-Development of People. These programs all work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, their work fits together to provide people with safety, sustenance, and hopeIf you would like to participate, please send a check to the church marked OGHS.

On Good Friday, April 2, we will again be holding our Good Friday Vigil from 9 am to 5 pm. All are invited to sign up for a time slot in order to sit in our sanctuary to bear witness to Jesus' experience on that day. There will be suggested Bible readings and devotional material available, or you are welcome to sit quietly and enjoy the beauty and silence of our santuary. Sign up by calling the church or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Yours in Christ,
Barbara Aspinall

bookPalm Sunday Worship service - March 28, 2021

Here is the link to our MPC and FPC shared online service for Sunday March 28, Palm Sunday

The sermon title is: "The Beautiful and the Ugly". 

2021 03 28 palm sunday

Our special mission of the month is Village2village Project college book fund to help three young ladies pay for their books as they start their college careers.

On Good Friday, April 2, we will again be holding our Good Friday Vigil from 9 am to 5 pm. All are invited to sign up for a time slot in order to sit in our sanctuary to bear witness to Jesus' experience on that day. There will be suggested Bible readings and devotional material available, or you are welcome to sit quietly and enjoy the beauty and silence of our santuary. Sign up by calling the church or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Yours in Christ,
Barbara Aspinall

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